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Rhee Bros

In 1968, what began with some packs of dried squid inspired the unlikely launch of an import and distribution company that would span two generations of mouth-watering success. Today, our family business is based outside of Baltimore, Maryland and serves customers from Chicago to Texas and beyond. In addition to squid, we are proud to import over 4,000 Asian foods – ranging from the rare to the everyday – across dry, refrigerated, frozen, and non-food categories. For over 40 years, we’ve sourced authentic ingredients from every corner of Asia. We are delighted to offer all of our customers the single, most extensive selection of authentic product in the market – and also, the most delicious. We like to think that we add spice to others’ lives.
Official HP
Online Shop
Address 7461 Coca Cola Drive Hanover, MD 21076 USA
TEL 410-381-9000
KEYWORDS manufacturing,
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